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Missouri Warranty Deed

Transferring Properties with Guarantees

When a property is transferred from one individual to another, it is done with a legal document called a deed.   This type of deed, the warranty deed, is a process of transfer that requires that the current ownership (Grantor) has their rights to a property researched and proven by a title company, prior to being transferred to a buyer (grantee) using the Warranty Deed.   The grantor is establishiing they own the property and they can legally transfer after clearing any liens, or encumbrances at or before the time of sale.  Unlike the quit claim deed, the Seller is providing a warranty to the buyer that they are the owner, and that they have a 'marketable title' with no defects or liens.  

Warranty Deeds state the grantor, the grantee, the properties legal description and describe how the property is being tranferred.   They are signed by the grantor, notarized by a notary public, then recorded in the counties Recorder of Deeds office as a public record of the owernship transfer.   

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